Summer Road Trip Safety Tips

Summer is here and it’s the perfect time to plan a road trip with your friends or family. However, while snow and ice aren’t a threat, there are still plenty of summer-specific dangers to be aware of before hitting the road. In fact, summer can actually be among the most dangerous of times to drive because of added traffic and increased sun glare. Before you head out this summer, read these tips from your friends at Empire Rent A Car and stay safe out there!

Summer Driving Tips

Watch Out for Distracted Drivers

Drivers can be distracted any time of the year but, in the summer, there seem to be more things out there to distract them. Families on vacation, students moving home for the summer, or girls’ trips to the beach, the roads are filled with drivers who are more distracted than usual. Watch out for drivers who don’t seem to be watching out for you or other things around them. If you see a distracted driver, try to put space between your car and theirs right away.

Check the Weather

Weather patterns can be unpredictable in the summer. What started as a sunny, clear morning can turn to sudden thunderstorms, flash floods, or even tornadoes. These types of weather can often occur with little to no warning, so be sure to check the forecast before you head out, and then frequently throughout the day. Just because a day looks clear doesn’t mean it will stay that way.

Understand the Effects of Extreme Heat

It’s easy to dismiss the serious effects of summertime heat. Not only can heat exhaustion effect our bodies, but also our vehicles. Stay hydrated and take frequent breaks to avoid heat exhaustion that can leave you too drowsy to drive. And pay attention to your vehicle’s warning signs to prevent overheating, breakdowns, and malfunctions.

Whether you’re driving your own personal vehicle or a rental car from Empire Rent A Car, we recommend you always follow these safety tips this summer. Check out our FAQs page for more information or contact us in New York today at (800) 750-8782 with any questions!

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