How to Find a Cheap Apartment in NYC, Part 2

Finding the perfect apartment in NY is a process. However, Empire Rent a Car has some tips to help the hunt go smoothly. Before you know it, you’ll be loading up the moving truck rental and heading to the new pad.

The last post discussed where to find affordable apartments in New York. Now we’ll explain when to look. We’ll also mention a compromise that could potentially save lots of money.

When to Look in New York

If finding the ideal apartment is your highest priority, then get first dibs by looking at the beginning of the month. However, if affordability is the main concern, LifeHacker suggests waiting until the later part of the month.

You won’t get the pick of the litter, but you may get a nicely discounted rate. Many landlords begin looking for renters at the beginning of the month. If they don’t find someone within the first few weeks, they start getting desperate because of the income loss. This means they’re often willing to drop the price — provided you’ll move in right away.

What to Compromise

Everyone wants an apartment that overlooks a flowering garden, famous sculpture, or scenic walkway, but these beautiful views often come at a high price.

TimeOut New York suggests that turning a blind eye to the view is an easy way to save money. So go ahead and embrace that toll both, highway, or other eyesore!

Affordable Moving Truck Rentals

Found an apartment? Congratulations! Make sure to get a moving truck rental from Empire Rent a Car. We offer a variety of sizes, and our prices are some of the cheapest in all of New York

In addition to truck rentals, we also have rental cars, van rentals, and other affordable vehicles. Call us at 800-750-8782, or make a reservation online. We look forward to serving you. 

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